Course Overview
According to a recent survey by Panorama research, over half of small and medium sized businesses claim stress is an issue in their workplace.
A recent CIPD Absent Management survey revealed stress is the most common cause of long-term absence from work in the UK.
And the HSE website states:
- In a typical year approximately 30 million working days were lost due to self-reported work-related illness or injury:
- Of these approximately 26 million days due to work-related illness; and
- Stress, depression or anxiety accounted for the majority of days lost due to work-related ill health, Around 12 million days
- The average days lost per case for stress, depression or anxiety (24 days) was the highest of all work-related illnesses.
This is a practical stress management course designed to show you how to reduce stress by managing pressure better. You will learn how to stay more in control of yourself as pressure increases so you can still perform well and achieve results. You will also learn how to relax quickly in any situation, keep your confidence and energy levels high, and begin to achieve the work/home/life balance you want.
This Stress Management training course is available throughout the UK at our 7 locations below, at your offices and virtually.
CPD Value 5.5 Hours
Course Locations
Stress Management London
Stress Management Manchester
Stress Management Nottingham
Stress Management Birmingham
Stress Management Bristol
Stress Management Edinburgh
Stress Management Leeds
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