09:30 – 10:45 Introductions
Clarifying What Needs To Be Achieved – all performance management begins with clarifying what desired performance is, setting relevant objectives and key performance indicators to know when satisfactory performance has been reached, and working out how to achieve those indicators
Setting Realistic Targets & Action Planning – to achieve desired performance specific targets must be set and worked towards. SMART targets are well known but many managers either don’t use them or don’t realise that they can only be used in 4 specific areas of performance. This section deals with how to help your staff set achievable, relevant targets
11:00 – 12:30 Using Management Styles Effectively – most managers know that there are different management styles but continue to use only one or two for all employees and in all circumstances. People at different stages of competence, and teams at different levels of performance, need different management styles to perform at their best. Therefore, we will look at various management styles, when to use them, and, more importantly, what each style means in terms of your behaviour as a manger
Identifying Different Working Styles – part of knowing which management style to use depends on what working style individuals use so that you can adapt your style to encourage the best performance from them. In this section we will identify 4 main working styles and how to work best with them; and you will be offered the opportunity to answer a short questionnaire to identify your own working style preferences12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 Feedback Skills – feedback is a vital skill when helping a person reach desired performance levels. Therefore, we will make sure that we explain how to give useful, useable feedback, and show the most widely used models of giving feedback used by professionals today
How To Coach – many people are experienced in giving and/or receiving coaching in competitive environments but coaching to improve business performance is slightly different to coaching a sports team to success or coaching an individual to win a chess tournament. The principles are the same but the execution is different so we will go through the most widely used coaching models used in business so that you can begin coaching your staff the very next day
15:15 – 16:30 Giving Effective Appraisals – many managers have not been trained in how to conduct effective formal and informal appraisals. Used effectively, appraisals keep performance on track and stimulate and motivate staff; used ineffectively they are often a waste of time and a demotivator to staff. By combining SMART, management styles, feedback, coaching and motivation, appraisals can become a valuable tool in maintaining and improving performance
Motivation – this section looks at why, and how, people are motivated. We will cover the main elements of what motivates people in general and also what motivates people in the working environment specifically. You will be encouraged to think about your team and the individuals within it to work out how to keep motivation levels high in both
Summary & Action Planning