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How to stay motivated in the hospitality industry

Working in the hospitality sector can be a great experience - but, like any job, there are also challenges. And on those days when it feels harder it’s going to be really important to stay motivated. Being motivated can help you to go a long way in any industry but it’s worth remembering that motivation is a limited resource and something that you’ll need to work at to have more of - so, how do you do it?

●      Focus on right now to avoid overwhelm. Staying motivated means looking at what needs doing next and focusing on that - rather than trying to get perspective on everything all at once. Break your day up into smaller tasks and delegate where you need to so that you’re able to continuously tick things off during the day and get that sense of motivational accomplishment.

●      Invest in positive relationships. There’s no doubt that it’s often the experiences we have with the people we work with that help to keep us motivated - and can even make our day. So, make sure you’re investing time and energy into creating positive, healthy relationships, not just so that you can enjoy them in the moment, but also as useful connections further down the line.

●      Make sure you’re getting the basics right. It’s very difficult to be motivated if you don’t feel physically well - so make sure you’re getting enough sleep and exercise and eating well. Being hydrated is also vital and can have a direct impact on how you feel.

●      Set aside time to develop yourself. Hospitality is a busy industry and it can feel like there’s no time to do anything but work. However, it’s really important to give yourself time to develop new skills and abilities so that you feel like you’re always growing as a person.

●      Look at the people around you and see what you could learn. In the hospitality industry you’ll meet a whole wide range of different people - and all of them will have something to teach you. That might be prepping food from a chef or the people skills it takes to be a great leader from a CEO. Look at what you can learn from everyone and you’ll feel even more motivated to grow. 

●      Create time for more than work. If you’re going to stay motivated then it will be essential to ensure that you have a work life balance. Do have hobbies and spend time doing things that are mentally stimulating and which keep you excited and motivated about life.

●      Learn how to remain unaffected. In hospitality a rude customer or someone being disrespectful or short with you can really ruin your day. That’s why learning how to remain unaffected by others’ behaviour and not to take it personally is so important. You’ll protect your energy like this and your motivation too.

To have a rewarding career in the hospitality industry it’s essential to ensure that you have the mindset and habits that are likely to keep you motivated. Find out more by booking onto our Motivational Management for the Leisure, Tourism and Hospitality Industry training course.