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Why is speed reading good for your brain

When you hear the words ‘speed reading’ you probably assume that this is simply about reading quickly. But, while there are certainly advantages to being able to get through more information, more quickly that’s not the only benefit when it comes to speed reading - it’s actually good for your brain too.

●      Improving memory. Training your brain with something like speed reading means that it performs better and is able to take in information more quickly. This will also have a knock-on impact on other areas of the brain, such as memory - which also gets worked when you practice speed reading regularly.

●      Sharper focus. The average speed reading ability is about 200 words per minute - but some people can do up to 300 words per minute. The difference is focus and that’s something that will get better the more speed reading you do.

●      Become a better problem solver. The conscious mind is a lot slower at solving problems than the unconscious mind - when you start speed reading you begin to use your unconscious mind for problem solving more. That will not only improve your capacity for problem solving but also mean that you’re able to do this much more quickly, and efficiently, too.

●      More confidence. When you’re able to speed read you can learn about anything in a much shorter space of time and that builds confidence through an enhanced ability to grow and learn. Whether it’s books or articles or courses, you’ll be able to absorb more information, data and perspectives to make life a richer experience as a result.

●      Enhanced logic. When you start speed reading regularly your brain will become more efficient at sorting information and making links to other data that it has already stored. The practical effect of this is essentially to give you access to more logic, more quickly. You’ll find it much easier to process information more quickly when you start speed reading regularly.

●      A boost to emotional wellbeing. We can spend a lot of time ruminating and overthinking about problems and the things that are worrying us in life. When you start being able to speed read in a focused way you can break that loop of negative thoughts. You’ll be focused predominantly on the reading and what you’re absorbing, which can help to release tension and improve your overall emotional wellbeing.

●      Become a better and more effective leader. Great leaders are learners too and speed reading gives you a great opportunity to become more proficient in the areas where you want to lead. You’ll be able to spend less time absorbing the information you need to make decisions and inspire your team and generally be more productive. Plus, being able to acquire more skills and understanding more quickly can help you get further down the leadership track.

From simply absorbing more information - and all the benefits that brings - to being able to train your brain for focus and logic, these are just some of the reasons why speed reading is good for your brain. Find out more by booking on to our Speed Reading and Information Management training course.