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How to master your time management at work

Poor time management can create a lot of challenges, from missing deadlines to days that are always just a bit longer than they need to be. We all get hit with life challenges that can throw schedules off but this doesn’t have to be the case for you on a regular basis - these tips can help you to master your time management at work.

Review how you currently manage your time

The starting point here is to look at where you’re currently not making the most of the time that you have. So, for example, look at the parts of the day where you’re wasting time, activities that suck time from your schedule for not much return and how much you can realistically achieve in a day. This will give you the insight to see where improvements could be made.

Get organised

Organising your time gives you a clear plan for your day and also a way to measure the progress you’ve made at the end of it. There are lots of ways to do this, from creating a daily schedule to simply working with To Do lists that you update at the start and end of every working day.

Give each task a time limit

Humans tend to use up the time available for tasks - so, if you give yourself an hour you’ll take an hour. That’s why time limits can be vital because they will keep you working through your To Do list at a steady pace.

Make sure you take breaks

It simply doesn’t work to push straight through and try to get everything done without any respite. Regular breaks will refresh energy, memory and focus, resulting in better productivity and improved overall performance.

Carry out a weekly prioritisation exercise

This will ensure that you’re spending your time on the tasks that matter most. So, at the start of each week make a list of everything that is going to fall to you in the coming days. Then eliminate any tasks that either aren’t your responsibility or which can be delegated. Next, list the top 5 most important tasks so that you’re prioritising your time on the activities that are the most essential. Don’t get distracted by task urgency - that might indicate how quickly something needs to be done to meet someone else’s goal but it’s not necessarily a sign that the task should be important to you.

Group activities together

Allocate sections of your day to carrying out similar tasks, such as responding to emails or social media messages. This is much more efficient than spreading these tasks out through the day (e.g. replying instantly to every email you get).

Don’t multitask

There is plenty of proof that, no matter what your gender, this doesn’t work. In fact, trying to multitask can negatively impact time management. Instead, focus on one thing at a time and block out all distractions until it’s done.

If you want to master your time management at work these are some of the simplest ways to get started. Find out more by booking onto our Time Management training course...