Training is defined as an instructor-led, content-based intervention designed to lead to skills or behaviour change. No matter what the subject matter, effective training needs to be assertively led. These are our top tips for training providers keen to get it right.
Give people a way to take action - now
Training is something that should be applicable straight away, the timing is everything. The longer the gap between learning and application, the less effective training will be.
Start with a positive vision
You can either create a positive vision of what people can do with the training or, even better, let them come up with this themselves in their heads. We are all more likely to get to where we’re trying to go if we have a clear and positive view of what we're working towards.
Put a trackable structure in place.
When you’re defining the objectives for your training make sure you also create a way to make these trackable so that it’s easy to see how the training is delivered.
Create training that engages people on many different levels
When you grab the attention of the people you’re training, and engage with their senses, learning becomes a lot easier. Use all the different tools, platforms and types of training available to ensure a multi-sensory experience.
If you’re going to use case studies, make them real
Real life examples, problems and case studies tend to be more engaging than those that are fictional.
It’s essential to have the right learning environment. That means creating an environment of low pressure and stress and high expectation. This will ensure that minds are open to learning and everyone is calm, aware and receptive. You can do this by using positive, open language, avoiding stressful language or tone and using constructive commands and feedback.
Do more than just tell your course participants what to do
You can achieve training objectives by providing people with detailed instructions on how to complete the training. However, if you give people what they need to work out how to achieve permanent change with their training, they will not only pass the course but continue to use the skills to create a new approach to their work too.
Make sure you’re tapping into their relevant experience
This is where you get people to think about how what you’re teaching will be useful to them. Questions such as “how could you apply this in your own role” will do the trick.
Offer training that can be used tomorrow
Training is most effective when it gets a positive response to the question “is this useful to me?” and participants know exactly how to get started with it tomorrow.
Finish every session with a conclusion
That could be reflecting on learning objectives, reviewing success or having participants evaluate what they got from the session.
It’s a great skill to be able to deliver training effectively. These are some of our tips for training providers to ensure that every course you offer has the desired effect. Find out more by booking onto our Train the Trainer training course.