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More courses added to Face-to-Face Live

The recently launched Face-to-Face Live resource from PTP allows delegates to log in from anywhere to take part in a training session. While current lockdown restrictions make physical training sessions impossible businesses and individuals still need to engage in development. Face-to-Face Live makes this simple by providing exceptional online teaching via both public courses and 1-2-1 training sessions. Now that more courses have been added there is even more of an incentive for those who are keen to use their time productively and with business goals in mind. The benefits of virtual training Face-to-Face Live is a type of virtual training that has a lot of advantages for individuals and organisations and not just during this time of global pandemic. The benefits of virtual training include:
  • It’s a much more convenient way to learn. Travelling and time away from work can both be reduced as virtual training can be accessed anywhere at any time. It’s also worth noting that we don’t learn at the same pace – not everyone benefits from a classroom environment in which a structure is strictly adhered to. Others may prefer to tackle topics on their own terms and on different devices.
  • It’s easier to integrate learning into life. The degree of flexibility that is available when it comes to scheduling training in a virtual environment means that it’s much simpler to fit it in around other commitments.
  • Generating greater ROI. If the return on learning investment is represented by improved knowledge retention then virtual training provides a lot of opportunities to increase this. A modular and interactive approach, as well as giving learners more control over how they digest information can mean that they actually retain it for longer.
  • Improving training engagement. It’s not just in a traditional classroom setting where you’re likely to see high levels of engagement. There are also many ways to ensure that this is consistent when it comes to virtual training too. This could be anything, from allowing for training rating to enabling chat and comment features, which will also provide perspective on how effective the training is. PTP Face-to-Face Live training is designed to maximise engagement, for example by having the trainer live on the call.
PTP Face-to-Face Live Face-to-face Live from PTP optimises all the benefits of virtual training by providing a range of courses and several different delivery options for learners. Public courses are open to anyone (up to a maximum of 10) and 1-2-1 sessions are available for individuals and groups. The range of courses now on offer via Face-to-Face Live is being expanded all the time – all delegates need to join is a strong and stable internet connection. In challenging times businesses need to adapt when it comes to fulfilling the ongoing learning and development needs of staff. Thanks to technology today there are many more ways to do this even if the business is largely under lockdown. PTP Face-to-Face Live is a cost effective option with a range of courses that is constantly growing. Find out more by clicking here...