If you want to develop your own financial expertise then having no initial knowledge is actually a great place to start. There are a wealth of resources available today for anyone who is interested in becoming more knowledgeable where finance is concerned, whether you’re looking to acquire expertise relating to complex securities or your own personal finances.
Books are a great place to begin
Whether you opt for paperback or the Kindle version, reading can open the door to a huge amount of knowledge when it comes to financial topics. The
For Dummies series, for example, is renowned for simplifying complicated topics and making them easier to grasp and there are a number of other specific titles, such as The Richest Man in Babylon, which help to provide the basics. The online world also offers incredible resources where reading is concerned. A simple Google search will usually turn up multiple websites where you can read about everything, from pensions to corporate investment.
Get some first hand knowledge
Once you’ve started to gain a basic understanding of the financial matters that most interest you it’s often worth talking to someone who has been working in the industry for some time. You might start with something as simple as an appointment with a financial adviser who can explain how different financial products fit together or by attending lectures or seminars that are given by the experts. The financial services industry also puts on events, whether these are hosted by firms in the sector or by regulatory bodies, and these can be an incredibly useful source of information especially about specific or specialist topics.
Develop what you’ve learned
Once you understand the fundamental principles of the financial products or systems you’re interested in it’s time to refine that knowledge. That could mean a visit to the local library to pick out specific titles that will help you to advance further – or booking yourself onto a course that covers a niche you want to know more about. The financial services world is constantly evolving and becoming an expert means committing to ongoing learning.
If you currently don’t have any financial knowledge but you’re keen to become an expert there are lots of opportunities to make a productive start. Find out more by booking onto our
Finance for Non-Finance Managers Training Course…