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Top 10 powerful tips for project management success

Project management is a complex and rewarding role that can present many challenges. Although there is no single formula for success there are some powerful ways to help ensure you get the best results.
  1. Get full perspective on the project. Who are the stakeholders and clients and what interests and expectations are being brought to the table by the different people involved?
  2. Outline what the project needs. Identifying, and planning for, the resources that the project needs is an essential part of the process of ensuring that it is a success. This will also, necessarily, involve defining roles for those involved in the project and looking at who should be responsible for what.
  3. The importance of the right project manager. Finding the right person to manage a project can be the difference between success and failure. A good project manager understands the various personalities within the team and how to work with each one to bring out their best abilities and qualities. They will avoid micromanagement in favour of allowing the team to be self motivated but provide support as and when required.
  4. Define the project milestones. It’s these milestones that provide structure in terms of how the project progresses. They could be as simple as: set up, planning, action and follow up. Evaluating progress after each one will ensure that the project stays on track.
  5. Use available technology. A range of project management tools exist today to make it easier to reduce miscommunication, improve efficiency and guarantee success.
  6. Balancing the strengths and weaknesses within the team. We are all different and have different abilities – project management success depends on being able to optimise the strengths of the individuals within the team as opposed to being held back by their weaknesses.
  7. Lay the groundwork for openness. Communication is key to project management success – everyone involved must have the information that they need to move forward and to know that they can reach out to share, ask questions or consult at any time.
  8. Risk management is essential. Where could this project go wrong? It’s key to identify the potential problems that could arise before they do and to implement potential mitigation steps.
  9. Test at every milestone. If you plan to test deliverables at every milestone that you’ve defined for the project you can ensure that the project is working out as planned. If you don’t do this then it won’t be possible to establish whether the project is on target, failing or exceeding expectations.
  10. How did you do? Looking back over a project after it has finished is an effective way to improve and ensure that next time around you don’t make the same mistakes. Every project is unique but can provide a valuable learning experience for the next.
Project management success requires dedication and hard work – these tips can help you to ensure that you’re on the right track with your approach. Our Project Management training course designed specifically for those who are required to undertake projects as part, or all, of their job role.