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Our guide to creating a powerful sales presentation

What makes a successful sales presentation? The answer is going to be different every time but essentially it’s anything that motivates a prospect to buy from you. Each pitch will need to be uniquely tailored to the needs of whoever you are presenting to but there are some common factors that work for all presentations that can help to ensure that you succeed.

Make what you’re selling relevant

If it’s a product, bring a sample or a prototype and allow a prospect to handle it and start to understand how, and why, they need it. If you’re selling a service then focus on the benefits for the prospect, as opposed to the generic features of what you’re offering. It’s important to ensure that you clearly communicate what the benefits of using your product are, as compared to that of a competitor.

Tailor your presentation to the prospect

One of the biggest mistakes most people make when it comes to sales presentations is opting for the same generic formula every time. This approach will not only undermine the credibility of your business but is also likely to bore your prospect. Make sure that the way you present your product or service, the benefits you highlight – even what you wear to the presentation – is tailored to the needs, goals, culture and values of the prospect you’re looking to win over. Research the business beforehand, add their logo to your slides and make sure what you’re saying relates to their specific situation if you want to make a powerful impact.

Be concise and informative

If your sales presentation is too long, or too full of waffle, there is a danger that anyone listening will simply switch off. All you really need to do during the sales presentation is outline the product or service and then specifically identify how it will meet the needs of the prospect. Ask for feedback and questions – or potential reservations – so that you can address these on the spot. Don’t argue and avoid allowing the discussion to get off topic.

Be creative and engaging

There is nothing wrong with bringing an element of shock or performance into your sales presentation as long as it fits with what you’re saying and selling. Practice the pitch and listen to the way you speak when you’re presenting – are you animated and enthusiastic or do you sound bored and uninterested? Use plenty of demonstration to engage your audience, whether that is bringing a whiteboard for facts and figures or adding visuals or video into the mix.

Believe yourself

If you believe in the product or service then you will be much more convincing during a sales presentation. Think about how you can display this to the prospect – for example, using your body language and your voice. Enthusiasm can be infectious and that tends to be very effective in a sales context. These are just a few of the ways in which you can create a powerful sales presentation. Our Successful Sales Presentations course is designed to help you hone your skills to be more effective at sales presentations and start generating the results that you want.