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Top sales tips for new sellers

If you’re new to the world of sales then you have all the benefits of a fresh attitude and plenty of enthusiasm – and a long and exciting career ahead. However, you may also feel a little lost in terms of where to start and how to begin developing a technique that really works. These top sales tips are designed to help you start finding your way. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes Sometimes it’s only when we hear ourselves selling that we really notice what’s missing from a sales pitch – or where we’re being too aggressive, or not firm enough. So, as you start to learn the ropes in sales, it’s essential to be able to put yourself in the customer’s shoes and appreciate your approach from their point of view. You could even go so far as to record yourself so that you can hear what you might sound like to someone else. Keep an eye on your pace Although you might be enthusiastic to get to the point of actually making a sale – and feel like you have a lot of information to impart – most prospects will resist any attempts to move too fast through the sales process. Slowing down the pace of the conversation not only ensures that you don’t turn someone off from what you’re saying but also provides more of an opportunity to understand what they need from you. Rushing things will make you sound anxious and undermine your credibility. Focus on outcomes Your product or service may not be that inherently interesting to the person you’re trying to sell it to. However, if you focus on illustrating the outcomes that could be achieved with that product or service then you have a way to spark interest. What is it that this prospect needs and how could that need be met by what you’re offering? If you can answer that question then you’re almost guaranteed a sale. Personalise your contact Anyone on the receiving end of a generic sales pitch is highly likely simply to switch off. You can differentiate your approach by personalising the conversation i.e. making it individually relevant to the person that you’re speaking to. Often, this requires some pre-conversation research, whether that’s looking into the business or the individual you’re going to be having the conversation with. It’s an essential way to make yourself relevant – and to increase the potential of a positive response. Be creative – and don’t give up It can take up to 10 attempts to see success with a corporate account – and many sellers give up long before this point. Sometimes all you really need to do is just to keep going. Remember that there are multiple channels through which you can plan your approach, from telephone and email to seminars and social media. Be creative and resourceful and keep going. Solid foundations pave the way for a great future in sales – our Introduction to Sales course is the ideal way to prepare yourself so that you can make it in sales. Get in touch with PTP today for all your training needs.