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Discover the most important skills in senior management

Effective management takes a whole range of different skills. With so many different parties to consider, from the team that you’re leading to your own superior, there is a lot to consider. If you’re looking to make progress in your career, and to do a better job in a management role, then these are some of the most important skills that it’s crucial to learn.

Setting an example

One of the simplest ways to manage is to set an example and be the employee that you want your team to emulate. From arriving on time, to taking an interest in the issues of your industry to maintaining a stoic attitude in the face of disaster or change, if you’re able to set this kind of example then others will follow.

Be aware of the context for the business

Leaders need to be well informed when it comes to market conditions, business development and competitors. Whether or not these directly affect your job, they will impact on your ability to take strategic decisions and can be a positive influence when it comes to shaping future growth. Strategy development and risk management are two key skills that will provide a firm foundation on which managers can grasp essential context.

Don’t forget the people you’re leading

It can be easy to focus purely on your own career and to forget about employee development. However, one of the metrics for analysing the effectiveness of a leader is how well employees do when they are being managed by that person. So, focus on employee development – as well as your own - and you’ll not only have a happier team of people working for you but you’ll also be viewed as a better leader by others in the business too.

Inspire commitment to the business

This is all about understanding how your employer rewards those who do well and then conveying this to the people you’re leading. What do they have to do to be recognised and where do the advantages lie for their careers in demonstrating commitment to the business in this way?

Handling change

Change is something that people across the business have to deal with constantly, whether it’s market change or operational change. Great managers can help to smooth the journey and involve others in the decision making process during times of change. They are also well equipped to support those who are feeling resistant to impending change.

Be a leader

It sounds simple but the intricacies of leadership are often not well grasped by very ambitious people. For example, being good at managing means understanding how to provide constructive feedback so that employees can see a way to develop and grow. It’s also essential to be able to manage tough situations and to have the strength and confidence to set clear boundaries for everyone. Some of the skills required by senior management are obvious – others, less so. There are always opportunities to change and grow and many of these essential skills are simple to learn. Book your place on our Senior Management Skills Course today or get in touch with PTP on 01509 889632 with any questions.