In most workplaces, progressing up through the ranks involves getting to grips with management. Not all of us are natural managers so this can be a challenge at first. However, there are some simple ways to craft a management style that enables you to lead and inspire the people you’re working with.
Make good communication a priority
This applies to everything, from encouraging people to speak up with ideas and responses, to ensuring that constructive feedback is a regular feature of interactions. Make sure that those who are working on the same project are regularly in contact, whether that’s face-to-face or via video calls or email groups. The more interaction there is, the more open the channels of communication will be.
Be a transparent manager
If you take an attitude of transparency you’re not only helping your team to see what your values are and what you expect of them but creating an atmosphere of trust and respect too. Transparency helps people to feel more secure and usually means that they are more willing to speak up with suggestions and ideas. It creates a safe space in which employees tend to be more productive and creative.
Set boundaries for your team
Even if you have intense deadlines or people working flexibly who could, potentially, be on call 24/7 it’s important to set the example of boundaries. Be clear about when your team should be working and when it’s time to switch off. Ambiguity around this is often used to make people work harder but just tends to lead to situations of stress and burnout instead.
Don’t micromanage
Most people respond better when they feel that their manager trusts them to do the task that they have been set – or to get on with their job without being closely monitored. As a manager this means stepping away from micromanaging when the temptation arises and instead creating a system whereby you can keep an eye on productivity and progress from a safe distance. Learning the art of delegation is essential. Not only will this make your team feel more competent and involved but it will also take the pressure off you.
Teamwork makes the dream work
If you can do one thing as a manager it should be to get your team collaborating. It’s collaboration that can be the catalyst for business transforming ideas and record breaking productivity. The more collaboration there is the better your team will get on and the more comfortable they will feel with each other – and when it comes to adding value. Collaboration can be encouraged by using digital tools and also by physical processes, such as sitting down together to create solutions to a current problem.
Don’t underestimate the value of feedback
Regular constructive feedback allows individuals to understand their progress and to set goals and objectives that are achievable. It will help to avoid a situation where someone feels isolated because they’re not doing that well and can provide a clear path to better performance. It’s also essential for reinforcing achievements and positive behaviours.
Learning how to manage effectively is essential for anyone who is looking to move up the corporate ladder. Book your place on our
Effective Management of Your Team course today.