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Improve your closing skills, starting with these 3 tips

Being a good closer can make a sales career. If you can master the skills and instincts that combine to get great results then you will find yourself on a fast track to success. Not every sale is predictable and there is no method to guarantee perfect results every time. However, there are some simple ways to improve your closing skills, starting with these 3 tips.

Create a sense of urgency

People are always prompted to action if they believe that something is on offer that could be gone imminently. That’s why creating a sense of urgency is such an effective way to improve your closing skills. If you’re faced with someone who is open to buying but, for some reason, just not taking the final steps to making it happen then employing this technique can help to get them over the line. The key is to offer something that they might want – a benefit, a discount or a free promotion – and use this to help convert a prospect into a sale.

Remind the customer of what is on offer

This is often called summarising and provides an opportunity to remind the person you’re speaking to of what a great choice this is for them. This could be something as simple as reiterating the deal that has been agreed with a focus on the value that they’re getting and the benefits to the customer of going ahead. It’s a good idea to try to keep the tone conversational so that what you’re saying doesn’t feel too much like a sales pitch, as this can be off-putting for some customers who prefer a subtler style of close. The key throughout the closing process will be to have identified what the needs of this particular customer are and then to use this summary to reinforce why the products or services that you’re selling provide a solution to those needs.

Ask a question

Sometimes, closing with statements can end badly if the customer simply shuts the conversation down. For other prospects a statement will feel too forceful and also be off-putting. Part of improving closing skills is working out what kind of person you’re talking to and whether they are more likely to appreciate an alternative. The alternative here is to ask a question, such as “Do you think this product will provide a solution to the problem we’ve talked about?” If the answer is yes then you have a commitment in your hands. However, if the answer is no this is an opportunity to find out why – as opposed to simply letting the customer go. Discovering the prospect’s hesitations can be very useful at this stage, as they can potentially be discussed and overcome. A question also leaves the door open to further selling. Our Advanced Closing Skills course is designed to help you refine this essential skill set. Through role-play and questionnaires we analyse your closing technique and highlight areas for improvement. Get in touch with PTP today to find out more.