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How could customer care training improve your customer services?

Customer service has a big impact on every business – 78% of consumers have abandoned a transaction or relationship if they have had a bad experience[1]. Plus, it takes 12 positive experiences to make up for just one negative customer service experience. So, investing in being able to deliver great customer service is always going to be a good idea. There are many different ways to give your customer services a boost and customer care training provides a lot of opportunities for improvement.

The improvements you could make with customer care training

Better customer engagement

If your staff have been properly trained then they understand not just how to give the customer what they need but also how to engage them further. So, a query could become a business lead or a satisfied customer may go on to become a brand ambassador and recommend your business to someone else. Customer care training gives your team the skills to go out and engage with your customers, and potential customers, above and beyond the basics.

Knowing where the boundaries lie

Customer service conversations are not personal conversations and most people understand the clear difference between the two. However, not everything is black and white and it can be difficult for staff to make the right decisions and distinctions if they haven’t had any training. If you’re investing in customer care training then you create a benchmark of behaviour across the board.

Converting complaints into a positive customer experience

Complaints handling is one of the most important elements of customer service. It’s not just about avoiding escalation or trying to ensure that the business doesn’t get a bad review. Complaints actually represent an opportunity to turn a bad experience into a positive one – as long as your staff have the right training. With customer care training you can convert those negative contacts to a positive outcome so that customers are more likely to return and to speak highly of your brand.

Giving staff confidence

Being the bridge between customers and a company can feel like a difficult position at times. Handling awkward or angry customers, dealing with queries you may not know the answer to and trying to ensure that all your interactions are in line with brand values is a challenge. Customer care training gives staff confidence. They will have the tools to deal with difficult situations and will feel well prepared when it comes to conveying what the business they’re working for is all about.

Upgrading to outstanding

A large proportion of consumers feel like they receive only average customer care, even from the big brands. So, improving customer services represents a real opportunity to distinguish your business in the market. Customer care training provides the opportunity to upgrade your customer services from ‘average’ to ‘outstanding’ to make your business more competitive as a result. If you’d like to know more about how customer care training can support excellent customer service please get in touch by calling the PTP team on 01509889632. [1] Source: American Express Survey, 2011