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5 reasons that professional development training could benefit your whole team

Professional development training applies to all departments of business, from the newest trainee to the directors and C-level management team. However it is often one of the things that is not prioritised due to budgets, or simply lack of time and resources. Training is at the heart of every business, and not just at one given time, but on an ongoing basis.

Professional development training for all

New staff will need training to get used to your processes internally, whilst longer-standing members of staff could also benefit from refresher training throughout their time working for your company. If it’s something you are looking to refresh or consider within your company, here are 5 reasons that professional development training could benefit your whole team:

#1 Training increases up-to-date knowledge

Professional development training, whether this is generic to all departments or within specialist areas, benefits your overall team by boosting their knowledge of that subject area. At the same time, refresher training ensures that this knowledge is always up-to-date and doesn’t become outdated, whilst making sure that all employees have the same training for a consistent in-house feel.

#2 Boosted job satisfaction encourages teamwork

Through professional development training for your staff, their productivity and personal ability should increase. This in turn leads to greater confidence and job satisfaction, as well as higher employee retention rates. All of these things contribute to better teamwork and forming a strong team that is able to communicate and work together effectively to provide the best services to your customers.

#3 Training helps to accurately reflect your company

Another reason that professional development training could benefit your whole team is that through the training, skills are learned, but also things are learned that are part of your company ethos. This could be attitude, approach to issues, customer services, or even specific processes – and if all of your team can grasp these things, they will accurately reflect your company to your customers through the services that they provide.

#4 It can attract strong candidates for the future

Offering professional development training as standard within your organisation is appealing to new recruits looking to fill the vacancies that you have both now an in the future. Training offers a clear way for employees to improve their own knowledge and skills, whilst bringing more to your company over time. This means that you are likely to attract strong candidates who are looking to progress, which benefits your team as a whole, if everyone is striving for the best.

#5 Progression within promotions is easier

If you’re looking at specific employees as potential candidates for promotion or to move to other areas within the business which better fit their skills, professional development training can be a good step towards making internal changes. This is because employees will receive training that is relevant to them and that will make the transition to a new position or promotion much smoother. If you want to find out more about how you can offer your employees professional development training to benefit your whole team, get in touch with PTP today on 01509 889 632.