Financial Times 25th November 2014
"Business and union leaders have urged corporate Britain to spend more on staff training and create better apprenticeships, rather than leaving the UK’s skills and productivity problems for the government to fix. They warned the price of inaction would be a “fundamentally unhealthy” and fractured economy."
The article goes on to say how British employers are complaining about finding workers with appropriate skills and trade union leaders stating that many employees are stuck in low paid jobs with little chance of promotion.
Now is the time to invest in training your people.
Personal Development Training By PTP
Since 1991 PTP's personal development training has been used by over 40% of the FTSE 100 and small group training (average class-size just 6 delegates) ensuring that individuals training needs are met. Wherever possible the course will be tailored to the individual needs of the delegate's business. In addition, all of PTP's training is highly practical and hands-on ensuring everyone is fully engaged and can deploy the skills learned back in the workplace immediately. All PTP courses meet Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Guidelines.Most Popular Personal Development Training Courses by PTP
PTP - Practical Training for Professionals runs nearly 200 short personal development training courses. Here is a few of the most popular ones. Click the course titles to view full timetables and course benefits:Essential Management Skills (2 days)
All courses come with training notes, executive folder and framed certificate of attendance.
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