Course Overview
Inevitably, in any organisation occasions arise where the method by which consensus can be achieved is not always obvious. Also, there will be occasions when it is critical to gain the buy-in of key people to a plan of action. Facilitation is increasingly becoming a required skill of the modern manager who wishes to generate consensus within his team and professionals in support roles who do not have executive authority and need to use facilitation as a means to engage, enroll and enthuse people to adopt a change in working practices.
The course is delivered in true action learning fashion where the participants spend time facilitating each other to discover and practice the skills. Feedback from both the tutor and fellow participants will ensure the participants derive the greatest value.
The objective of this course is to introduce the delegates to the fundamentals of facilitation and is suitable for anyone who wishes to arm themselves with this essential business skill.
Typical participants include managers, supervisors, HR professionals and other professionals who support the line e.g. quality, business development and IT
This Introduction to Facilitation Skills course is available throughout the UK.
CPD Value 5.5 Hours
Course Locations
Introduction to Facilitation Skills London
Introduction to Facilitation Skills Manchester
Introduction to Facilitation Skills Nottingham
Introduction to Facilitation Skills Birmingham
Introduction to Facilitation Skills Bristol
Introduction to Facilitation Skills Edinburgh
Introduction to Facilitation Skills Leeds
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